Meet The Team

Ben Adams
Research Engineer
Ben Adams is a full-stack software engineer and mechanical engineer. His research has included both CO2-based and native-brine geothermal electricity generation. He built genGEO, a techno-economic geothermal power & cost simulator. His software engineering experience includes point-of-sale, web sales, and equipment automation.
When not punching the clock, Ben enjoys Skiing and Snowshoeing in the winter and hiking and being a bicycle tour guide in the summer.
Education and Training:
PhD | Mechanical Engineering | University of Minnesota—Twin Cities | 2010-2015
MS | Mechanical Engineering | University of Minnesota—Twin Cities | 2007-2010
BS | Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics | University of Minnesota—Twin Cities | 1999-2004
Professional Licensure:
Professional Mech. Engineer #54249 (P.E.) | STATE OF MINNESOTA | 2016—Present