Welcome Mikey Hannon
We are excited to announce Mikey Hannon has joined Carbon Solutions as our Director of Subsurface Energy. Dr. Hannon has over a decade of professional experience in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) and holds patented methods that support rapid characterization of geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage sites, including caprocks that keep CO2 stored deep underground.

Dr. Hannon formerly led business development for carbon storage at INTERA Incorporated, an international geosciences and engineering consulting company. Prior to INTERA, Dr. Hannon was a research scientist and reservoir geologist with the Indiana Geological and Water Survey and a postdoctoral researcher at the National Energy Technology Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in interdisciplinary Engineering from the University of Alabama at Birmingham where he conducted research with support from the U.S. DOE and Southern Company on geologic CO2 storage, caprock integrity, and computational modeling. He received a master’s degree from Purdue University and a bachelor’s degree from The University of Alabama. Dr. Hannon is committed to working towards a carbon-free, clean-energy future that honors environmental justice and sustainability and includes geologic CO2 storage at the gigatonne scale.