Carbon Solutions Newsletter, September 2024

Carbon Solutions Newsletter: September 2024

Sources and Sinks

A Newsletter from Carbon Solutions

September 2024

MethaneDART: The Methane Detection, Analysis, and Resource Management Tool

The MethaneDART project, a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research grant from NOAA that began work on August 1, aims to address increasing methane emissions, which have surpassed other greenhouse gases in growth. By utilizing advanced satellite data and cutting-edge Machine Learning algorithms, the project will detect and measure methane point-source emissions in near-real time, providing both industry-wide and global estimates. Over the next six months, the project team will develop and test models and create a physics-based model user interface to display the results. The MethaneDART project team is comprised of Yunha Lee, who is initiating the setup of the Physics-based models, data acquisition lead Bjorn Brooks, GUI developer Jonathon Prehn, and machine learning lead Carl Talsma.

Employee Spotlight: Rachael Esh

This month’s employee spotlight features Rachael Esh, who recently collaborated with colleagues to design and create the Wyoming Carbon Blueprint website, aligning with our company’s mission and values. This platform is designed as a comprehensive resource for Wyoming’s stakeholders and communities, offering essential information on carbon management strategies.

Rachael enjoys opportunities for in-person engagement, such as participating in events like powwows, and the freedom to creatively develop educational materials. She is excited to help expand community engagement and strengthen connections, while deepening her expertise in the energy sector.

Outside of work, Rachael has a passion for science education and teaching through storytelling and art. She has published her first book, PJ’s First Pair of Glasses, and in her free time, she enjoys exploring new outdoor activities and creative hobbies, such as hiking, skiing, paddleboarding, and teaching community classes for youth. We are grateful for Rachael’s recent addition and contributions to the Carbon Solutions team.

Event Highlights: DOE FECM Peer Review Conference and Western Planner Conference

The Carbon Solutions team recently attended the NETL/FECM Annual Research Review Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, followed by the Western Planner Conference in Cheyenne, WY, contributing to important discussions on carbon management and energy transition.

In Pittsburgh, team members Jessi Eidbo, Jonathan Ogland-Hand, Bjorn Brooks, Tracey Ziev, Erin Middleton, Richard Middleton, and David Tu participated in the three-day NETL/FECM Research Review Meeting, which focused on CCUS infrastructure, data accessibility, and community engagement. The event facilitated productive exchanges on key topics related to Carbon Solutions’ work, leading to further engagement with NETL through a webinar series on direct air capture.

In Cheyenne, Jessi Eidbo and Erin Middleton presented “Energy and Carbon Management in Wyoming: Lessons on a Dynamic Frontier” to an audience of planning professionals from across the state. The presentation introduced new technologies and sparked discussions on energy and carbon management.

These events offered valuable opportunities for the Carbon Solutions team to engage with industry and community leaders on critical energy and carbon management issues.

Carbon Solutions to Lead Pacific Northwest Carbon Storage Effort, Collaborating on Four Additional RITAP Projects

We are excited to share that Carbon Solutions has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to lead a critical project under the Regional Initiative for Technical Assistance Partnerships (RITAP). Our Columbia River Basalt Technical Assistance Partnership (CaRBTAP) will focus on providing technical expertise and support to enhance the deployment of carbon storage solutions within the Columbia River Basalt Group. This region presents a unique opportunity for large-scale carbon storage, and our work aims to ensure these efforts are executed in an environmentally responsible and equitable manner.

The DOE’s RITAP program is part of a larger initiative to accelerate the deployment of carbon management technologies nationwide, targeting key geologic basins for carbon storage potential. Carbon Solutions, in collaboration with partners including the Carbon Containment Lab, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington Geological Survey, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI), and Washington State University Tri-Cities, will provide stakeholders with the objective technical assistance needed to scale carbon storage efforts. The project also engages industrial leaders like CRC’s Carbon TerraVault, Carbfix, and Cella to bridge scientific expertise with industry needs.

In addition to leading the CaRBTAP project, Carbon Solutions is proud to serve as a co-PI and partner on four additional RITAP projects, further solidifying our role in advancing carbon storage technologies across multiple regions. These initiatives reflect our ongoing commitment to fostering innovation, community engagement, and the development of sustainable carbon management strategies.

New Webinar September 19th!

Building Wyoming’s Carbon Management and Wildlife Decision-Support Tool

Presenters: Jessi Edibo, Simone Stewart, Sarah Kallgren and Will Schultz

– 1:30pm EST –

Join us for a webinar hosted by Jessi Eidbo in partnership with the National Wildlife Federation, where we’ll unveil the development of an innovative wildlife and carbon management decision-support tool. This session will provide a behind-the-scenes look at the tool’s creation, offering a sneak peek at the final product before its official release.

A panel of experts, including Jessi Eidbo, Simone Stewart, and Will Schultz from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, will discuss the tool’s potential impact on wildlife conservation and carbon management. Moderated by Sarah Kallgren of the National Wildlife Federation, this engaging discussion will provide valuable insights for anyone involved in conservation, resource management, or carbon solutions.

Good Reads…